MYTIME Active is working in partnership with Bromley Children and Families Voluntary Sector Forum (BCFF) to deliver free twice weekly swimming lessons for young mums aged 15 to 24 and their babies.
In a recent survey, 90% of participants that responded reported an improvement in how satisfied they are with their life since joining the group, with 90% also saying they have made friends at the Swim, Splash and Support classes. Originally financed by Sport England’s This Girl Can campaign, the programme has received support from Mytime Active since September 2022, with the charitable leisure trust donating the pool time and support staff at The Pavilion in Bromley. Along with BCFF securing funding, the programme will provide the qualified swimming instructors until September 2024. Samantha Britnell, CEO of BCFF said: ‘The Swim, Splash and Support group really has made a positive impact on these young families. The young women, who are aged between 15-24 with babies aged under three years old, may have quite complex histories and sometimes might be quite vulnerable. The group provides these young parents with a secure environment to develop both their own and their babies’ skills, including learning to swim and water-safety, whilst additionally having the opportunity to meet other young parents for peer-to-peer support.’ The initiative is promoted through Bromley's Family Nurse Partnership, where health and social care professionals will make referrals for young women to join the programme. The scheme is currently at capacity with 30 young women registered and an average of 12 mums attending each of the two weekly sessions. BCFF is looking for further funding and/or sponsorship to help continue this programme into 2025, with the aim of expanding it year on year. One young mum, who gave birth when she was 18 years old, joined the classes when her son was eight months old. She said: ‘I was very nervous about attending. I was already suffering from post-partum anxiety and was unsure whether we would enjoy the lessons. I was panicked that my son would drown and, having just had a baby, was very body conscious. ‘Despite my fears, I decided to try one of the lessons as I realised my son needed to socialise with other babies. I felt very overwhelmed when I arrived, however the staff were amazing and reassured me. My son enjoyed the first session so much that it motivated me to attend future sessions. I also enjoy talking to staff from the Children and Families Voluntary Sector Forum and Mytime Active, who provide reassurance about the swim sessions and share information.’