The Leisure DB State of the UK Fitness Industry Report is published

 The 2024 Leisure DB State of the UK Fitness Industry Report reveals all-time highs in membership, revenue and market penetration.

The UK health and fitness industry is performing strongly, with gym numbers up slightly on 2023 and member numbers, market value and penetration all surpassing pre-pandemic levels to reach all-time highs.

These are the headlines of the State of the UK Fitness Industry Report 2024, unveiled today by market intelligence expert Leisure DB and – for the first time ever – made available to everyone free of charge.

'We believe in the power of sharing data across the sector, working together to evidence the impact of our great industry and go even further in improving the health of the nation,' says Leisure DB founder David Minton.

'Making the full 140 pages of this flagship report free for everyone to read marks our commitment to this vital agenda, and the commitment of our partners, as it is with their invaluable support that we are able to do this.'

Although the total number of gyms remains below 2019’s high of 7,239, the figure is back over 7,000 after dipping below this milestone in 2023. For 2024, Leisure DB’s research identified a total of 7,009 UK gyms and health clubs – a small rise of +0.2% vs 2023.

Total member numbers, market value and penetration have seen more significant rises. Across the UK, there are now 10.7 million gym members (+4.1% vs 2023), which means 15.9% of the UK population is now a member of a gym. This penetration figure is up from 15.1% in 2023 and surpasses 2019’s pre-pandemic high of 15.6%.

Meanwhile, market value has reached £5.9bn in 2024 (+9.7% vs 2023) – an upwards trajectory that continues to be driven by rising membership fees.

Of note, while the private sector is forging ahead on all measures, challenges remain for the public sector. The number of public sector gyms has fallen this year, while member numbers and penetration have risen but not yet to previous highs. It is only in the measure of market value that an all-time public sector high has been achieved.

Read the report now:

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